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Deacon Earmon Irons, Jr., Chairman
The Deacon’s Ministry supports the Pastoral leadership of our church, as well as all ministries and events at The TEMPLE.
We encourage the congregation spiritually, emotionally physically and financially to do our best for the Lord.
We, along with the Ministerial staff and Deaconess Ministry, visit and administer Holy Communion to the sick and shut-in.
The Deaconess Ministry prepares the Communion Sacraments for all Holy Communion Services.
We assist the Deacons and Ministerial staff in the visit to the sick and shut-in.
We provide spiritual support to the other ministries of the church.
We also provide weekly Encouragement Quotes in the church bulletin.
We provide spiritual advice/encouragement to those in need.
We spearhead an “Angel Tree” project in the month of December for some identified under-privileged youths in the community.
Sis. Ellastine May, Chairlady
The Trustee’s Ministry oversees the physical plant of all church owned property and its operation. They are also responsible for the upkeep of the church property including the payment of all bills.
Deaconess Joi L. Adams, Superintendent
We have Sunday School classes for all ages every Sunday morning.
We provide leadership training and Christian education; to equip teachers and students for ministry.
We provide a light, continental breakfast after class every Sunday.
We sponsor a Back-to-School consecration service every year and bookbag giveaway filled with supplies.
Sis. Carmelita T. Harris, President
The United Christian Women’s Ministries, through faith and prayer, will uplift the name of Jesus, cultivate accountable relationships, work to train, educate, build, and evangelize.
We also encourage women of all ages to grow their relationship with Christ, and to provide services that will challenge, train, and equip its members and future generations for ministry, evangelism, and spiritual growth.
We also have annually a purse giveaway during the holiday season. The purses, for women, and the bookbags, for men, are filled with toiletries.
Deacon Ernest Dugan, President
The Brotherhood is comprised of men who are connected to God, empowered by Christ, and guided by the Holy Spirit. We want to equip, develop, and encourage men in becoming men of spiritual valor, obedient disciples, and kingdom builders, as a result of our rapidly growing relationship with Christ and other Christian brethren.
Sis. Emogene Adams, Minister of Music, Sis. Arelise Randle, President
The Music Ministry sings earnestly so that our music will be spiritually encouraging, uplifting, inspiring and will bless anyone who hears it.
We accompany and encourage the Pastor when he has community speaking engagements.
Bro. Arthur Williams, President
We embrace the Music Ministry with songs proclaiming the power and love of our Lord and Savior.
Sis. Charline Dumas-Wright, Chairlady
We provide appropriate care during church services and are a resource for all members of the church, especially those with medical and mobility compromises.
Sis. Dorythal Curtis, President
The Usher’s Ministry plays a vital role in the hospitality and welcome ministry of the church. Together with church greeters, church ushers help the church member, visitor (guest) experience a wonderful worship service.
Deaconess Joyce A. Harris, Prayer Ministry Leader
We pray together on Sunday mornings at 9:00 A.M. That prayer time is to pray specifically for the services.
Our corporate prayer time is every Thursday morning from 6:00 A.M. to 7:00 A.M.
The third Sunday in October each year in celebration of Pastoral Clergy Month we pray a special prayer of anointing in our 11:00 A.M. service “PRAY FOR PASTOR CUDJOE DAY.” Prayer to God for our Pastor as Bishop of the Northern Diocese and 1st Vice President of COCHUSA, his family and all of the work with the Board of Bishops, National Publishing Board and our church.
In the month of January annually, we are committed to begin the year with 30 days of fasting, with a prayer request booklet.
Sis. Ellastine May, Chairlady
We provide items to those in need in the community. Whatever the need, we will attempt to provide for you. Items that are given: clothes, shoes, asseccories, furniture, toys, appliances, etc. If we don’t have it, ask.
We have a food basket giveaway during the holiday season, we also sponsor a toy giveaway in December.
The Goods & Service Room is open every Wednesday from 9:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
Deacon Earmon Irons, Jr., Chairman
The CBOE provides two scholarships annually to graduating high school seniors, The Lawrence Gatling Scholarship and The Scybrathia Irons Scholarship.
We recognize and honor all graduates in the second Sunday morning worship service in June.
We also spearhead the Career Exploration Fair, for high school juniors and seniors where we expose the students to community leaders in their current careers, who speak to the students in a classroom setting of interest.
Bishop Dr. Dale L. Cudjoe, Pastor/Teacher, Sis. Carolyn McCoy, Teacher (12 & under), Elder Dr. Stephen Kimani
We teach all new members the basics of Christian living while developing ministry-minded individuals.
We help the new members choose a place of service upon graduation of NMOM.
We also have all new members complete the Gifts Test before graduation to align them for Ministry Service in the Body of Christ.